Marhaba from Holland

Although women have reached much by emancipation, still many are treated as inferior beings.
I am born In Beirut, Lebanon, live and work in The Netherlands. The women's rights and the female identity are the subject of my work whereby my experiences of life, emotion, daily news, and the status of the contemporary woman become source material in the creation of my art.
In my work I try to bring under attention the injustice that woman experiences. I do not search for a solution and I do not tell how it must be to improve her status. I just bring this conflict to the forefront in the hope that this contributes to the solution. What concerns me is the process of braking taboos and old traditions. The one time I am the strong woman who portrays her ideas without taking care of critics, and the other time my confrontation is more gentle. In both cases woman in my work is beautiful, intelligent, elegant, soft, and strong without having a need for a man in her own field.
I do not aim at one material or technique. Although I find myself mostly in painting, this does not obstruct my creativity. I am continuously in search of new expression forms which can be the reason for me to realize an art work. Every material or technique calls for another approach, here I plunge into my feelings and let it loose.
I admire many artists but in the course of time I have found my own style. My work can not be placed under a certain flow but it shows my involvement with the feminism.
- Bachelor of Fine Art, Willem de Kooning Art Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- S.K.V.R. Free Art Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- History of Art, Zadkine College, The Netherlands.
Additional activity:
Member and art adviser at the City hall of Krimpen a/d IJssel.
2008 Kunstschouw, Zeeland
2007 Pecha Kucha Night, Rotterdam
2007 Gallery La Lanka, Tijnje
2007 St. Laurens church, Alkmaar
2007 Art manifestation, Woerden
2007 Gallery Rievierenhof, Belgium
2005 Arts Place, Amsterdam, group exhibition
2005 Isala Theater, Capelle a/d IJssel, solo exhibiition
2004 Window art-manifestation, Rotterdam. Group exhibition
2004 TENT, Rotterdam. Group exhibition
2004 Art Route, Capelle a/d IJssel. Solo Exhibition
2004 Isala Theater, Capelle a/d IJssel, solo exhibition
2003 Art Route, Capelle a/d IJssel. Solo exhibition
2003 Galery Gielen, Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel. Trio exhibition
2003 Isala Theater, Capelle a/d IJssel, solo exhibition
2003 Kunsten Centrum, Capelle a/d IJssel. Duo exhibition
2002 Isala Theater, Capelle a/d IJssel. Solo exhibition
2002 Art route, Capelle a/d IJssel. Solo exhibition
2002 City hall, Capelle a/d IJssel. Group exhibition
2001 Witte de With Art Festival, Rotterdam. Duo exibition
2000 Hillesluis Museum, Rotterdam. Group exhibition
2000 Charlois Art Festival, Rotterdam. Group exhibition
1999 Hillesluis Museum, Rotterdam. Group exhibition
1999 Hollandia Galeria, Vlaardingen. Group exhibition
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